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Джунгли своими руками
The Kalinga borrowed the beautiful word ragragsakan from the Ilocano, which means merriment. The biggest occasions for a ragragsakan in a Kalinga village are two, the homecomings of successful headtakers and the culmination of a peace-pact between warring tribes Both these celebrations and other smaller ones are moments for all the village to come out in a display of oneness. Food and wine mix with victory cries, songs, music and dance, no one hardly ignores ganza music and the Kalinga perform what they are best known to do — dance. Since it is the men who are mostly involved in the machismic activities of kayaw headhunt or budong peace-pact , the women confine themselves to food preparation and other chores related to servicing the men at council. If not busy cooking they are moving kitchen items, utensils, water to wherever they are needed. A carry-all basket called labba serves as container for anything to be transferred.
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